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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a hands-on modality from Japan that channels healing energy to where it is needed in the body and helps release energy blockages that can cause pain and discomfort.

In a quiet room, with soothing music, the practitioner will place his/her hands on the client’s body, addressing blockages at key points. Reiki can also be done with no actual physical contact as healing energy enters the body where needed.

Reiki can help with

  • Stress

  • Physical pain

  • Emotional pain

  • Any energy blockage and imbalance in the body

  • Achieving an overall sense of wellbeing

Reiki Healing

Session Info

A session will last 45 minutes to an hour, depending on your needs.


  • Initial session: $90  (+HST)

  • Followup session: $85  (+HST)

  • Distance Sessions: $70  (+HST)


A distance Reiki treatment can help as well as in-person and it can be done via internet or phone.

Reiki works extremely well on animals. $65  (+HST) a session for your animal companion.

Insurance Coverage

Reiki is covered under the category of Naturopath by most insurance companies including:


- Sun Life

- Canada Life

- Blue Cross

- Green Shield

- Johnson’s

- Manulife

Book Reiki Sessions

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