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My Story

My name is Joan Dohey. Over the past 2 decades, I have been on a personal journey through the world of alternative modalities, seeking answers to my own health problems. Along the way, I have been exposed to some fascinating ways to address health problems and to promote wellbeing!

Since 2014, when I retired from my 29-year career as a teacher to pursue a new path in health and wellness, I have learned a great deal about healing- most especially that it happens on multiple levels.


With that in mind, my goal has been to offer services that enable a client to heal on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I am passionate about helping those who want to improve their health and wellness.

Joan Dohey - Naturopath & Holistic Healing Professional

My Certifications

To that end, I have certified in the following modalities:


  • Bowen (Bowtech 1-10), IOS, Art of Bowen, Smart Bowen, Animal Bowen)

  • Distance Bowen Certification (Nancy Pierson, Karin Twohig)

  • Reiki (Usui I, II, III, Master Teacher, Lightarian Reiki Master levels I-IV)

  • Hormonal Release the Bowen Way (Madeline McBride)

  • Trauma Release (Madeline McBride)

  • Animal Reiki Practitioner

  • Reflexology (Hand, Foot)

  • Indian Head Massage

  • Rahanni

  • MSTR (McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release)

  • Soul Genesis I, II, III, IV

  • Access Consciousness Practitioner

  • The Anastasi System of Psychic and Intuitive Development Levels 1-6

  • Spiritual Life Coach

  • Laughter Yoga Leader

  • Yoga Nidra Teacher

  • Meditation Teacher

  • Sound Healing Practitioner Levels 1,2, Expert (Crystal Singing Bowls, tuning forks)

  • And in 2024, Yoga Teacher Training at Shakti Yoga!


I would love to help you and/or your animal find better health.

Energy healing
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